The street lighting solution dedicated to residential life


Light plays a crucial role in community living, contributing to the creation of a feeling of well-being and comfort. People gather and celebrate around well-lit spaces where they feel good, safe and secure. With this belief in mind, we developed AXIA 3 EVO, an innovative, powerful luminaire designed for the specific needs of residential streets and spaces where well-being and security are crucial criteria.
With AXIA 3 EVO, performance does not mean high expense. Equipped with the latest lighting innovations, this luminaire stands out by providing a compact street lighting solution, helping towns and cities boost urban life while generating significant energy savings and reducing the ecological footprint.

  • Small but powerful
  • AXIA 3 EVO is a lightweight compact luminaire fitted with the latest photometrical innovations. This luminaire provides highly efficient lighting to ensure comfort and safety, thanks to the optimised ProFlex™ photometric engines. This concept, developed by Schréder, increases performance by reducing the number of reflections inside the optical unit. With AXIA 3 EVO, performance goes with low energy consumption.

  • Connected-ready
  • AXIA 3 EVO is a connected-ready solution compatible with various control options, enabling easy access to the digital era of lighting with advanced lighting features. Monitor and control outdoor lighting networks for maximised cost and energy savings. The control node can be associated with a motion sensor to adapt the light to the exact needs of the moment and prevent unnecessary light pollution, creating pleasant, secure places where people love to live.

  • Easy to handle
  • AXIA 3 EVO is designed for easy installation and maintenance. Its light and compact design combined with a universal fixing system, suitable for both post-top and side-entry position, considerably easing installation and allowing on-site adjustment to optimise the lighting and control light dispersion. As an option, AXIA 3 EVO has a toolless opening system to facilitate and speed-up any on-site activities. This feature saves valuable time on site to free up city streets for citizens.

  • Designed for future
  • The AXIA 3 EVO’s design has been optimised to drastically reduce environmental impact. AXIA 3 EVO is designed to minimise waste while maintaining performance, both during its use and afterwards. We want you to use our products for as long as possible. AXIA 3 EVO is connected-ready and can be upgraded to adapt to future demands. Its design is fully recyclable, minimising waste. AXIA 3 EVO is also available with different finishes to suit any kind of environment or customer requirement.

First of its kind

The AXIA 3 EVO is the first lighting solution to put the citizen at the heart of its development. This luminaire is dedicated to creating safe, comfortable and sustainable urban and residential environments where people are happy to live. AXIA 3 EVO subtly combines innovative photometrical and connected technologies with a durable and economical design.
This outdoor LED luminaire is capable of satisfying any customer requirement and environment, by offering universal fixing compatible with various poles, a choice of finishes from aluminum to polypropylene, as well as various photometric distributions. From city streets to warm residential spaces, AXIA 3 EVO provides the right lighting solution.

Get your starlit sky back

The International Dark-Sky Association (IDA) is the recognised authority on light pollution. It provides tools, ressources, and a certification program for industries and companies willing to reduce light pollution. At Schréder, we are convinced that a more responsible lighting has the potential to preserve the environment. We are fully committed to reducing light pollution by joining the IDA’s certification program. Our approved range of luminaires complies with the IDA’s program of approval to deliver a light that protects the environment in all respects. Get your starlit sky back with the AXIA 3 EVO lighting solution.


Рекомендована висота монтажу (м)
4.0 - 
Клас електробезпеки
Номінальна напруга
Захист від перенапруги (кВ)
Протокол(и) керування
Можливості керування
Варіанти роз'ємів
Пов'язані системи керування
Світловий потік світильника (лм)
600 - 
Споживана потужність (Вт)
6.0 - 
Світловіддача до (лм/Вт)
Колірна температура LED
Індекс кольоропередачі (CRI)
Коефіцієнт виходу світла вгору (ULOR)
ULR may be different according to the configuration. Please consult us.
ULOR may be different according to the configuration. Please consult us.
Meets IDA Dark Sky requirements when fitted with LEDs of 3000K or less.
Конструкційні деталі
Polycarbonate (with integrated lenses)
Ступінь захисту
Стійкість до вібрації
Доступ для обслуговування
Всі конфігурації
Lifetime may be different according to the size/configurations. Please consult us.
Діапазон робочих температур (Ta)
-30°C up to +55°C / -22°F up to 131°F with wind effect
Depending on the luminaire configuration. For more details, please contact us.

Розміри та кріплення

AxBxC (мм | inch)
343x143x187 | 13.5x5.6x7.4
Вага (кг | lbs)
2.6-3.6 | 5.7-7.9
Можливості кріплення
Side-entry slip-over – Ø42mm
Post-top slip-over – Ø60mm
Side-entry slip-over – Ø32mm
Side-entry slip-over – Ø60mm
Post-top slip-over – Ø76mm

Системи керування

Control options for AXIA 3 EVO

The following dimming and control options are available for AXIA 3 EVO:
• Custom dimming profile
• Bi-power
• 1 – 10V
• AmpDim
• Photocell
• Remote management

Монтаж та обслуговування

Easy and fast installation

AXIA 3 EVO is available with universal fixation adapted for side-entry (Ø32, Ø42-60mm) and post-top (Ø60-76mm) mounting. The inclination angle can be adjusted on site in increments of 2.5°: -10° to +10° for side-entry mounting and -5° to +15° for post-top installations. The fixation is marked with SE (for side-entry) and PT (for post-top) to help installer adjust the luminaire to the right inclination angle.