Sylvania TITANIA 2

Tennis court lighting solution



With a stylish modern design and precise forward throw optics, the TITANIA 2 LED Floodlight has been exclusively designed for both residential and competition, single and multiple tennis court lighting.

The unique cut off characteristics provide excellent uniform illumination across the playing field, low glare and less spill light to increase efficiency and reduce the impact on neighbouring properties.

TITANIA 2 includes DALI and 7pin NEMA base as an option

  • Lens
  • High grade PMMA lens material designed for durability and efficacy

  • Outdoor Tennis Court Lighting
  • Outdoor Tennis Court Lighting for Club & Competition - 550W or Recreational & Residential - 330W 


  • Energy efficient modern LED floodlight
  • Instant start up at full brightness, with no warm up required plus optional back shield available for superior spill light control, while also reflecting it back to the playing area, for improvement in uniformity

  • Design
  • Stylish modern design and precise forward throw optics for single and multiple tennis court lighting

  • Available in 330W and 550W
  •  Energy efficient modern LED floodlight
  • Instant start up at full brightness, with no warm up required
  • Optional back shield available for superior spill light control
  • 550W is a suitable upgrade for HID applications up to 1000 Watts
  • Long life of 54,000 hours provides low maintenance
  • Unique weatherproofing with IP65 fixture and componentry
  • Die-cast aluminum coated with a UV stabilized double powder coated finish
  • High grade PMMA lens material designed for durability and efficacy
  • High lumen efficacy with up to 158 lumens per watt
  • Quality spigot mounting for ease of installation
  • Optimal reliability with 5 year warranty
  • Designed to achieve AS2560.2.1 - Lighting for outdoor tennis standards
  • Available with DALI and 7PIN NEMA Base making it control ready


Рекомендована висота монтажу (м)
6.0 - 
Клас електробезпеки
Номінальна напруга
Захист від перенапруги (кВ)
Протокол(и) керування
Варіанти роз'ємів
Споживана потужність (Вт)
330.0 - 
Колірна температура LED
Індекс кольоропередачі (CRI)
Коефіцієнт виходу світла вгору (ULOR)
Конструкційні деталі
Die-cast aluminium body
Tempered glass
Powder coated finish
Стандартний колір
Ступінь захисту
Всі конфігурації
Діапазон робочих температур (Ta)
0°C to + 40°C

Розміри та кріплення

AxBxC (мм | inch)
330W – 380x342x150
550W – 609x342x150
Вага (кг | lbs)
330W – 10.5
550W – 19.7
Можливості кріплення
Spigot – Ø60mm

Системи керування

Control options for TITANIA 2

Control options for Sylvania TITANIA 2

The following dimming options are possible for the Sylvania TITANIA 2 floodlight:

  • DALI
  • Remote Management

As an option, the luminaire can be equipped with a 7-pin NEMA to be connected-ready for your future Smart City requirements.

Contact SCS for all your Smart City solutions

Аксесуари та версії

Back shield for 330 & 550W