Classical street lamp for heritage lighting  


With a design inspired by the original gas lanterns, the VALENTINO LED is a timeless addition for urban environments. It offers an opportunity for cities to preserve their heritage while providing a source of well-being and safety in the public space. VALENTINO LED is suitable for lighting city centres, squares, parks, residential areas, urban roads, car parks, pedestrian areas and bike paths. Under its classical and timeless exterior, the VALENTINO LED luminaire incorporates cutting-edge LED technology.
This heritage luminaire is bound to enhance the visual experience in urban environments and to create a sense of place, with a distinctive character both by day and by night, producing a sense of pride amongst residents.

  • Heritage design
  • The traditional yet elegant design of the VALENTINO LED street luminaire plays an important decorative role both by day and night, perfectly integrating urban landscapes to create a convivial and safe ambiance.

  • Preserving the urban identity
  • The VALENTINO LED lantern is bound to enhance heritage sites, by preserving their unique identity and cultivating the pride of citizens.

  • Low power consumption
  • It benefits from the ThermiX® concept developed by Schréder for long lasting performance. The use of LEDs not only drastically minimises the power consumption, but it permits low height installations without generating intrusive light for the inhabitants of buildings.

  • Low light pollution
  • With no upper flux, VALENTINO LED reduces light pollution. The version with the flat glass has an ULOR 0% and is dark-sky compliant. Its long lasting design made of recyclable materials guarantees a responsible use of natural resources.


Recommanded installation height (m)
3.0 - 
Электрический класс
Номинальное напряжение
Защита от перенапряжения (кВ)
Протокол(ы) управления
Возможности управления
Варианты разъемов
Система(ы) управления
Выходной светопоток светильника (лм)
600 - 
Power consumption (W)
10.9 - 
Светоотдача до (лм/Вт)
Цветовая температура LED
Индекс цветопередачи (CRI)
Коэффициент выхода света вверх (ULOR)
Корпусные детали
Tempered glass
Степень защиты
The gear compartment is IP 55.
Все конфигурации
Диапазон рабочих температур (Ta)
-30°C up to +50°C / -22°F up to 122°F
Depending on the luminaire configuration. For more details, please contact us.

Размеры и монтаж

AxBxC (mm | inch)
448x760x448 | 17.6x29.9x17.6
Вес (кг | lbs)
7.0 | 15.4
Возможности монтажа
Post-top ¾’’ gas male
Side-entry slip-over – Ø60mm
Suspended ¾’’ gas male
Suspended ¾’’ gas female

Системы управления

Control options of VALENTINO LED

The VALENTINO LED lantern offers the following dimming options:
• 1-10V
• Bi-power
• Custom dimming profile
• Remote management

This luminaire can be equipped with a NEMA or a Zhaga socket for more connectivity options.

Установка и обслуживание

Post-top or suspended mounting

The VALENTINO LED luminaire is available with a post-top (optional adaptor for Ø60mm/2'' spigot) or suspended mounting. An embellishment conceals the mounting nut and provides a smooth finishing surface at the base of the luminaire.

Опоры и кронштейны

Columns and brackets

Schréder is known for providing complete lighting solutions for its partners, including both standard and bespoke options. This street LED luminaire is available with multiple suspended and post-top wall brackets, in addition to poles from 3.5m to 5m.

Аксессуары и версии

Flat glass

The flat glass version of the VALENTINO LED is dark-sky compliant (ULOR 0%).

Clear protector

This refined street lamp is available with a clear protector.

Opal protector

VALENTINO LED can also be equipped with an opal protector, for a classical lantern look.

Structured protector

The VALENTINO LED range is available with a structured protector.