Enhance the value of architecture with powerful and versatile LED floodlights

- Powerful LED floodlight for large scale illuminations
- Sculp the light to achieve the perfect finish
- High quality finish
- Performance over time
SCULPFLOOD is the beneficial alternative to traditional HID floodlights for powerful and soft-edge beams. The range ensures a much lower energy consumption and longer lifespan.
SCULPFLOOD 60 and SCULPFLOOD 150 can be fitted with monochromatic (WW, NW, CW), tunable white and RGBCW LEDs to provide a wide range of colour temperatures and colour mix.
SCULPFLOOD adapts the light output precisely to the needs. It offers a high-performing and on-site adjustable photometry thanks to external refractors and a precise fine-tuning through brackets equipped with an angle inclination system.
Eye-catching, dynamic lighting scenarios can be managed via the DMX-RDM protocol.
Compact and elegant, the SCULPFLOOD LED floodlights offers an innocuous design to blend harmoniously into any architectural structure.
Extra attention has been paid to the details (no visible screws on the front of the frame) to ensure a high-quality finish.
The long life span of the LEDs and the robust materials (aluminium, glass and polycarbonate), coupled with a high tightness level, ensure that the photometric and mechanical performance are maintained over time.
General Information
Recommanded installation height (m)
Электрическая часть
Электрический класс
Номинальное напряжение
Защита от перенапряжения (кВ)
Возможности управления
Система(ы) управления
Выходной светопоток светильника (лм)
Power consumption (W)
Светоотдача до (лм/Вт)
Оптический блок
Цветовая температура LED
Индекс цветопередачи (CRI)
Корпусные детали
Корпусные детали
Степень защиты
Все конфигурации
Условия эксплуатации
Dimension and mounting

Размеры и монтаж
AxBxC (mm | inch)
Вес (кг | lbs)
Возможности монтажа
Установка и обслуживание

Аксессуары и версии