An elegant design for a pleasant atmosphere

- A Zhaga-D4i certified luminaire
- Designed to fit your environment
- Connected-ready
- Supporting your sustainable policy
As a Zhaga-D4i certified luminaire, SHUFFLE POST-TOP complies with all the criteria including mechanical fit, digital communication, data reporting and power requirements within a single luminaire, ensuring plug-and-play interoperability of luminaires and peripherals such as connectivity nodes.
The SHUFFLE POST-TOP luminaire is available as a smooth cylinder or with a large canopy. You can choose between a modern and aesthetic version and a more decorative and romantic variant to create a pleasant atmosphere in public areas.
SHUFFLE POST-TOP can be operated by Schréder EXEDRA. For your future smart city requirements, it is important that your different services can interconnect. SHUFFLE POST-TOP can be equipped with a standard NEMA 7-pin or Zhaga socket.
SHUFFLE POST-TOP has been developed to minimise waste. Each part of this street lighting luminaire can be recycled to support a circular economy. Equipped with state-of-the-art LED technology, SHUFFLE POST-TOP ensures the highest efficiency to provide energy savings for your city.

General Information
Recommanded installation height (m)
Electrical information
Érintésvédelmi osztály
Névleges feszültség
Túlfeszültség-védelem (kV)
Egyéb opciók
Kapcsolódó távfelügyeleti rendszer(ek)
Luminaire output flux (lm)
Power consumption (W)
Tipikus fényhasznosítás (lm/W)
Optical information
LED színhőmérséklete
Korrelált színhőmérséklet (CRI)
Felfelé irányuló fénykibocsátási arány (ULOR)
Housing and finish
Minden konfiguráció esetén
Dimension and mounting

Dimensions and mounting
AxBxC (mm | inch)
Tömeg (kg | lbs)
Sztenderd rögzítés
Installation and Maintenance