Present - 2007
Accompanying the visionaries of Tomorrow

An innovative lighting project is set-up in Heiningen, Germany to reduce energy consumption and preserve insects. A Bluetooth sensor, microphone and infrared camera analyse the traffic in real-time to adapt the light levels and note the impact on insects.

Schréder Together Fund is set-up in cooperation with the King Baudouin Foundation to give a more structured approach to our philanthropic purpose. It helps non-profit organisations - proposed by our employees - to support the communities in which we live and operate.

Acquisition of two businesses to consolidate our market position in Australia; Sylvania, a leading outdoor lighting company and Austube, a reference in indoor lighting. Now known as Sylvania Schréder and Austube Schréder, they are leveraging experience and technology to innovate for customers.

Schréder Hyperion, our Smart City Centre of Excellence is founded in Lisbon.
Located within the Nova Business School and Economics (Nova SBE) university campus, this centre provides cities with practical information, training and solutions, to facilitate the transition to a smarter and more sustainable urban infrastructure.

United Kingdom: Schréder wins a Smart City prize in London, reflecting how smart lighting technology is key when it comes to enabling connectivity in the city of tomorrow

Owlet IoT Launch: introduces a plug and play control platform that connects light, sensors and urban infrastructure

Schréder is the first to create an interactive luminaire that enables WiFi connectivity, EV charging, and other options bringing people closer to each other and their environment

United States: Schréder inaugurates a decade of connectivity in lighting by installing 22,000 LuCo-PD controllers in San Jose, California

LED Generation: development of a complete range of LED luminaires