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Cities people love to live in

Decorative, smart and sustainable lighting solutions 

Urban decorative lighting solutions

Solutions to bring meaningful moments to people in public spaces. The next generation of city-dwellers want safe, welcoming and attractive spaces which also provide a strong sense of identity. Schréder’s expertise means you can have it all. Working alongside you, we create cities that people love to live in! 

  • Schréder SIGNATURE created a bespoke luminaire for Cannes to highlight its unique identity and create a unique nocturnal landscape
  • Schréder designed bespoke lighting columns to reflect the heritage of Lisburn's linen industry
  • SHUFFLE lights up Pairi Daiza so the zoo can extend opening hours to the delight of the public
  • VALINTA shines a light on Roybon's Statue of Liberty, emphasising the town's heritage
  • eclairage-routier-estavayer-murist-font-schreder-Izylum
  • NEOS floodlights on SEXTANT poles create a harmonious ensemble to light Dunkirk promenade by night
  • The modularity of the FLEXIA will enable the city of Tilburg to roll out the same platform across the city
  • LED kandelabra luminaires were designed to maintain Budapest's heritage and bring the lighting into the 21st century
  • Schréder LED optics were put in the original lanterns on Rue de Rivoli in Paris to promote a circular economy
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  • Iluminação LED com energia solar no Passeio das Dunas
  • BOREAL et son masque sur-mesure à Porto-Vecchio

The right light can help build communities


Schréder's lighting solutions create spaces where people feel safe and comfortable at night to build a community

When cities create safe, welcoming spaces where people want to spend time, economic and social interaction naturally increases. Sympathetic lighting, and street furniture that includes security equipment, foster a sense of safety and comfort for everyone who wants to use the city after dark.

The most spectacular cities come alive at night, with landmark buildings cloaked in colour for special dates, events or moments. Feel the glow of community.

SCULPFLOOD lights up the boulevard in Delfzijl

Light in the right place: 

Schréder’s expertise in photometry and lighting design is key to provide the right light in the right place.

Light at the right time:

Schréder is your partner for maximising the advantages of lighting while taking care of the environment and improving your operational benefit. With our modern and versatile technologies enabling a "Dim It, Aim It, Tone It, Change It" philosophy, we offer our customers complete flexibility to modulate light according to any environmental challenge.

Light at the right colour temperature: 

We offer numerous colour temperatures to match with the ambiance you would like to create. Also integrate smart lighting applications such as the ability to adapt the colour of the light (FlexiWhite) or build dynamic lighting scenarios. 

Every city has a story to tell

Schréder's urban lighting solutions can bring your city's character to life at night in a sustainable way

Lighting should do four things to honour a city’s character:

  • respect the city, by blending in seamlessly
  • enhance the landscape by day and by night
  • enrich the city’s heritage by putting monuments both old and new in the best possible light
  • create something new, whether that’s a bespoke lighting plan or a whole new fixture
Schréder Signature delivers eye-catching lighting solutions to enhance your character and landscape
  • With our large portfolio of aesthetic solutions you can enhance your city by day and by night.
  • With our Schréder STUDIO expertise, we are able to replace and upgrade the technology inside of your old luminaires (if the housing is still in good conditioning), or to recreate exactly the same design equipped with the latest LED and control technologies.
  • Our Illumination solutions can magnify your iconic landmarks. 
  • We have a whole range dedicated to architectural lighting to help you achieve your vision.



Bringing your identity to life

Schréder SIGNATURE comes into play to deliver a creative, iconic solution that brings your ideas to life, reflecting your unique character and enhancing your space. From the first sketch to the installation, Schréder SIGNATURE is at your side to transform your request into a striking lighting solution.

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A powerful tool for urban regeneration

Uniquely designed solutions bring forgotten places back to life and contribute to meaningful experiences, changing the way people regard and relate to a place

Achieve your carbon neutral targets 

Schréder's urban lighting solutions creates cities that are alive at night while protecting our fragile environment

Cities aren’t just for humans. Flora, fauna and the stars in the night sky are all a vital part of the urban experience.

Badly targeted, intense, blue-toned lighting has disturbed animals, insects, plants, and our sleep over decades. That’s all changing, with dimmable, tuneable luminaries that let you combine bright streets and dark skies.

This isn’t just about complying with new laws on light pollution, BUT ALSO going further to innovate and create sustainable, healthy light for us all.

Build a circular economy

We are aware that circular economy needs to be taken in account from the design stage of the luminaire. Circularity is fully incorporated into the luminaires’ DNA. Concept phase, future evolutions (maintenance, upgrades, etc.) and recycling are taken into account with design guidelines that facilitate the removal of components and increase the standardisation of parts and the materials separability.

The Circle Light Label acts as a circular indicator for our customers. It clearly designates products that are optimised for circular economy through 12 objective criteria.

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FlexiWhite solution

Research proves that blue light of LEDs is harmful for human health, fauna and flora. With a more yellowish tint, natural cycles are preserved and circadian rhythm of animals and citizens is not disturbed.

The Schréder FlexiWhite solution offers you the freedom to use the right colour temperature at any time. Whether it relies on pre-programmed scenarios, works with our remote control systems, uses sensors or a mix of all three, the FlexiWhite solution offers you the flexibility to provide the right level with the right colour temperature at the right place and the right time.

Pure Night by Schréder eliminates light pollution and prevents light trespass

PureNight: dark sky, bright ideas

With its PureNight concept based on high-end lighting designs with state-of-the-art photometry platforms and aiming accessories, Schréder offers the ultimate solution for bringing the night sky back without switching off cities. With Schréder PureNight solutions, you can direct the light only where it is wanted and needed.

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Future-proof your infrastructure

Shuffle’s endless adaptability is a springboard for innovation to connect people to their social environment

Connected-ready, upgradable solutions

  • In this fast evolving world, that is more and more connected, it is wise to lay the foundation for future: invest in a connected-ready solution, and then upgrade whenever you want and at your own pace. 
  • In 5 or 10 years or even more, be ready to evolve towards a smart lighting network that will help you to generate energy savings, maintenance savings and also save time and resources in the management of your lighting infrastructure.

Connect your city for people

Schréder EXEDRA stands out as the most intuitive and comprehensive City Management System.

Schréder EXEDRA is the most advanced lighting management system on the market for controlling, monitoring and analysing streetlights in a user-friendly way. It is the right tool for aligning value with short- and mid-term targets while sustaining a long-term vision.

  • Technology-agnostic platform: shared and open technologies to unlock complete interoperability

  • Schréder EXEDRA system can connect to cloud databases like traffic flow, weather etc, and then adapt the light in real-time according to the conditions. It means that you can have a smart lighting that really adapts to your citizens and environments, without investing in numerous sensors.
  • As the light is really adaptive and only used when needed, you consume even less energy. The system is able to perform analysis in order to offer predictive maintenance.


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