A universal, comprehensive and economical street luminaire

- Take advantage of a complete range
- Choose photometric innovation
- Minimise your ecological footprint
- Prepare for a connected future
AXIA 3 is the most comprehensive and best value LED solution for roads, streets or pedestrian areas. AXIA 3 is available in three sizes. AXIA 3.1, with up to 16 LEDs, is perfectly suited for low-height applications, whereas AXIA 3.2 and 3.3, with up to 32 or 64 LEDs, are ideal for lighting urban and large roads, avenues and large carriageways.
First and foremost, AXIA 3 provides highly efficient lighting to ensure comfort and safety, thanks to the optimised ProFlex™ photometric engines. The lenses are integrated directly into a polycarbonate protector.
This concept, developed by Schréder, increases performance by reducing the number of reflections inside the optical unit. This modern LED street light provides extensive light distributions that can be adapted to local needs to reduce power consumption for existing installations.
The AXIA 3 design has been optimised to drastically reduce your environmental impact. Its production and assembly were critically reviewed to give preference to operations with the lowest possible carbon footprint.
AXIA 3 has been engineered to minimise the use of raw materials for maximum robustness. The lighter the luminaire, the more environmental savings on all levels: production, packaging, transport, installation.
As a connected-ready smart luminaire, AXIA 3 is FutureProof and can easily integrate sensors and control systems, both today or in the future.
The various control options enables you to create environments that work both by day and by night, to minimise light pollution and maximise energy savings, to monitor your lighting scheme and to capture data.

Základní informace
Výška instalace (m)
Elektrické parametry
Třída ochrany
Jmenovité napětí
Přepěťová ochrana (kV)
Možnosti regulace
Zásuvky a konektory
Vzdálená správa
Výstupní sv. tok svítidla (lm)
Power consumption (W)
Účinnost svítidla (lm/W)
Optické parametry
Barevná teplota světla
Index podání barev (CRI)
Podíl vyzařovaného sv. toku do horního poloprostoru (ULOR)
Tělo a povrchová úprava
Ochranný kryt
Stupeň krytí
Odolnost proti nárazu
Všechny konfigurace
Provozní podmínky
Dimension and mounting

Rozměry a uchycení
AxBxC (mm | inch)
Váha (kg | lbs)
Možnosti uchycení
Instalace a údržba