Cost-effective LED solution for street lighting

- Small yet powerful
- Your partner for outdoor street lighting
- Easy to handle
- Connected-ready
AXIA 3 EVO SE is a lightweight luminaire offering high performance.
Equipped with the ProFlexTM photometric engines designed to increase lighting performance, AXIA 3 EVO SE delivers safe, comfortable lighting with minimised energy consumption. With AXIA 3 EVO SE, performance goes with low consumption.
Outdoor street luminaires can be subject to harsh conditions such as stone-throwing, heavy rain and solar rays. AXIA 3 EVO SE’s compact, robust design provides high levels of tightness and shock resistance, making it the ideal partner for your basic street lighting projects. Made of UV-resistant polypropylene, AXIA 3 EVO SE is capable of withstanding any road and city street environment.
AXIA 3 EVO SE is designed for easiness. Its compact, light design allows it to be easily installed without removing its cover. To optimise the light distribution, the luminaire integrates inclination steps, allowing it to be orientated onsite from -15° to 5°.
AXIA 3 EVO SE is a connected-ready lighting solution that can be optionally equipped with a NEMA or a Zhaga socket. This feature enables you to remotely control your outdoor lighting networks for maximised cost and energy savings. The control node can also be associated with a motion sensor, to adapt the light to the exact needs of the moment and to prevent unnecessary light pollution.

Základní informace
Výška instalace (m)
Elektrické parametry
Jmenovité napětí
Možnosti regulace
Zásuvky a konektory
Vzdálená správa
Výstupní sv. tok svítidla (lm)
Power consumption (W)
Účinnost svítidla (lm/W)
Optické parametry
Barevná teplota světla
Index podání barev (CRI)
Podíl vyzařovaného sv. toku do horního poloprostoru (ULOR)
Tělo a povrchová úprava
Ochranný kryt
Stupeň krytí
Odolnost proti nárazu
Všechny konfigurace
Provozní podmínky
Dimension and mounting

Rozměry a uchycení
AxBxC (mm | inch)
Váha (kg | lbs)
Možnosti uchycení
Instalace a údržba