Advanced Tunnel System 4 DALI

Advanced tunnel lighting control solution based on a DALI network protocol


Tunnels play a crucial role in city mobility networks, relieving local roads, creating connections between two regions, crossing mountains and even seas. As tunnel managers, your challenge is to maintain this mobility network by providing reliable, safe and sustainable road tunnels. With the Advanced Tunnel Solution 4 DALI (ATS 4 DALI), get the benefit of a powerful remote control system, enabling complete management of your tunnel lighting installation in a lean feature set. Jointly developed with Phoenix Contact, the ATS 4 DALI provides an optimum solution for implementing a reliable and powerful tunnel lighting control system with optimised costs. Dimming, switching, monitoring - tunnel management will no longer keep any secrets from you.

  • No room for uncertainty
  • Conditions inside tunnels are subject to various external events such as weather conditions, traffic density or pollution alerts. The Advanced Tunnel System 4 DALI enables coordinated dimming of groups of luminaires, creating adapted lighting levels according to any condition, at any time.

  • For safer tunnels
  • People’s safety is crucial in tunnel management. That’s why you need a reliable and powerful lighting installation, managed by a control system that enables a fast response to handle any unexpected events. The ATS 4 DALI is equipped with fully featured, powerful lighting control software that constantly communicates with the DALI drivers to provide an immediate response to any sudden event inside and outside the tunnel.

  • For more savings
  • The ATS 4 DALI box constantly communicates with the ATS 4 DALI cabinet. This is equipped with multiple DALI outputs, sending commands to or receiving data from groups of luminaires over a DALI interface. This type of architecture enables a reduction in the number of features to be installed and hence provides a solution optimised for the local needs. 

  • For long-lasting, cost-effective tunnels
  • The ATS 4 DALI continuously monitors the luminaires’ power consumption and adapts the light level to the needs of the moment, resulting in optimised energy consumption limited to what is absolutely necessary to ensure safe, comfortable driving conditions. The ATS 4 DALI is a reliable remote control system guaranteeing rapid return on investment.

Soluția ideală pentru nevoile dumneavoastră locale
Your data are gold, ask for the most secure control system

A controlling system involving a wide range of control functions requires a higher level of security to guarantee a safe journey for your critical data. That’s why the ATS 4 DALI is built on the innovative Phoenix Contact PLCnext technology, an open automation communication system compliant with the most demanding cyber security standards, such as the European NIS Directive (Network and Information Security EU 2016/1148) and international standard IEC62443. 
The ATS 4 DALI controller is the first control system to fully comply with both regulations and can be used in these applications.


Instalace a údržba

Plug-and-play philosophy
Structura ATS 4 DALI permite o reducere a numărului de elemente care trebuie instalate și, prin urmare, oferă o soluție optimizată pentru nevoile locale.

The ATS 4 DALI benefits from a complete set of toolless smart cables and quick-on connectors, allowing you to speed up cabling and save valuable time onsite