Corrosion-proof tunnel lighting for energy efficiency and easy installation

- For safer tunnels
- Easy to install
- Designed for corrosive environments
- Optimal performance
A well-lit tunnel minimises the risk of accidents and critical incidents. TLI increases visibility and enables drivers to detect a potential danger and react in good time to guarantee a safe stopping distance. It helps increase tunnel safety, as it complies with the most stringent standards.
Designed for high efficiency and a long service life, TLI also makes life easier for installers thanks to its external tool-free QPD connectors that can be combined with Schréder's smart cabling.
This range of tunnel luminaires provides the ideal solution for extremely corrosive environments and countries were legislation imposes the use of stainless steel housings.
Designed for long-lasting performance, TLI comes with a wide range of lighting distributions to suit numerous tunnel configurations.
The TLI LED luminaire is available in two sizes and can be equipped with two types of photometric engines: LensoFlex®2 or ReflexoTM. The aluminium reflectors ensure optimal performance with high visual comfort at the tunnel entrance.
Elektrické parametry
Třída ochrany
Jmenovité napětí
Přepěťová ochrana (kV)
Protokoly regulace
Možnosti regulace
Vzdálená správa
Výstupní sv. tok svítidla (lm)
Power consumption (W)
Účinnost svítidla (lm/W)
Optické parametry
Barevná teplota světla
Index podání barev (CRI)
Tělo a povrchová úprava
Ochranný kryt
Stupeň krytí
Odolnost proti nárazu
Všechny konfigurace
Provozní podmínky
Dimension and mounting