Classical street lamp for heritage lighting

- Heritage design
- Preserving the urban identity
- Low power consumption
- Low light pollution
The traditional yet elegant design of the VALENTINO LED street luminaire plays an important decorative role both by day and night, perfectly integrating urban landscapes to create a convivial and safe ambiance.
The VALENTINO LED lantern is bound to enhance heritage sites, by preserving their unique identity and cultivating the pride of citizens.
It benefits from the ThermiX® concept developed by Schréder for long lasting performance. The use of LEDs not only drastically minimises the power consumption, but it permits low height installations without generating intrusive light for the inhabitants of buildings.
With no upper flux, VALENTINO LED reduces light pollution. The version with the flat glass has an ULOR 0% and is dark-sky compliant. Its long lasting design made of recyclable materials guarantees a responsible use of natural resources.
Základní informace
Výška instalace (m)
Elektrické parametry
Třída ochrany
Jmenovité napětí
Přepěťová ochrana (kV)
Možnosti regulace
Zásuvky a konektory
Vzdálená správa
Výstupní sv. tok svítidla (lm)
Power consumption (W)
Účinnost svítidla (lm/W)
Optické parametry
Barevná teplota světla
Index podání barev (CRI)
Podíl vyzařovaného sv. toku do horního poloprostoru (ULOR)
Tělo a povrchová úprava
Všechny konfigurace
Provozní podmínky
Dimension and mounting

Rozměry a uchycení
AxBxC (mm | inch)
Váha (kg | lbs)
Možnosti uchycení
Instalace a údržba

Poles and Brackets

Accessories and versions